Laziomar All departures and offers on Mr Ferry!
The shipping company Laziomar or "Lazio Regionale Marittima" was officially founded in Rome in 2011 with the aim of serving connections with the Pontine Islands that could no longer be supported by the company Caremar. In January 2014 the company was taken over by a group of shipowners who began a process of renewal and coordination of activities and a new and careful management.
Today, Laziomar shipping company has a fleet of 4 ferries and 3 hydrofoils, operates in the field of maritime transport of passengers, vehicles and goods, provides a public service and ensures territorial access to the islands of the Pontine Archipelago. Laziomar crossings are fast and pleasant thanks to its modern and safe ferries and hydrofoils; they are constantly subjected to technical inspections and maintenance for the renewal of safety certificates.
Laziomar Fleet and on board services
Laziomar departures are offered regularly every day from the port of Terracina and Formia to the islands of Ponza and Ventotene, other hydrofoil connections are offered from the small port of Anzio to Ponza only during the summer season.
On board Laziomar ferries passengers will enjoy a peaceful atmosphere, where with kindness and courtesy are met all the needs and expectations of passengers, always trying to improve the quality of service offered.
The company applies the reduced prices for children and discount for groups and for educational trips, it also allows its guests to travel safely accompanied by their pets, although it is necessary to observe some special precautions, such as keeping the dog on a leash and muzzled, and stay in the areas designated for them.